Monday, March 28, 2011

O.O 51 DAYS?!

gif,disney,lionking So i just realized that I will be going to D*sneyWorld in less than60 days. Thats what that awesome little counter over there is>.
I have officially entered the freak out zone. Added to the stuff I have to buy, I also have to get some stuff settled out.  Thankfully I have already registered for the roommate match. Although I'm not sure if they just match you to your arrival date or if they have questions as I've seen on a few other people's blogs.

I need to get something from my insurance showing that I am covered or my car, under my parents plan, and I have to figure out if I want to keep my Netflix plan and just transfer it to my new address once I get down there, and I have to call and see if I can change my internet plan down to the lowest usage.

And then theres classes, papers(4), finals (5), and cleaning my room&car. That last one I'm actually looking forward to compared to the rest.

EDIT: I figured I would add the documents that you have to bring with you to Disney.
These are jsut the most common ones, they have a whole list.
Passport (If you bring this, its the only thing you need since it shows you work legibility)
Driver's License +
SS card or Birth Cert. (I would suggest the card, since the Birth Cert. are kinda big and you really do not want to lose, it very hard to get a new one without it.)
License, Registration, and Insurance with your name on it.

P.S.: I added a formspring, in the off chance I get any questions. Feel free to ask anything, really anything, I'm kinda lonely bored over here.


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Monday, March 28, 2011

O.O 51 DAYS?!

gif,disney,lionking So i just realized that I will be going to D*sneyWorld in less than60 days. Thats what that awesome little counter over there is>.
I have officially entered the freak out zone. Added to the stuff I have to buy, I also have to get some stuff settled out.  Thankfully I have already registered for the roommate match. Although I'm not sure if they just match you to your arrival date or if they have questions as I've seen on a few other people's blogs.

I need to get something from my insurance showing that I am covered or my car, under my parents plan, and I have to figure out if I want to keep my Netflix plan and just transfer it to my new address once I get down there, and I have to call and see if I can change my internet plan down to the lowest usage.

And then theres classes, papers(4), finals (5), and cleaning my room&car. That last one I'm actually looking forward to compared to the rest.

EDIT: I figured I would add the documents that you have to bring with you to Disney.
These are jsut the most common ones, they have a whole list.
Passport (If you bring this, its the only thing you need since it shows you work legibility)
Driver's License +
SS card or Birth Cert. (I would suggest the card, since the Birth Cert. are kinda big and you really do not want to lose, it very hard to get a new one without it.)
License, Registration, and Insurance with your name on it.

P.S.: I added a formspring, in the off chance I get any questions. Feel free to ask anything, really anything, I'm kinda lonely bored over here.

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