Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Advising Meeting Update

I had my advising meeting today. It went alright. My advisory is a bit dull and useless. He didn't know anything about the program or if I could take any classes or anything like that. But I did find out what I have to do to register for Spring2012. Just e-mail him and he'll send me my pin. We then get to the end and he asks me what my t-shirt means.

So then I begin talking about Star Trek and how my shirt came form Nimoy's shop and how I got a card that he signed with it. I was basically all smiley and geeky dork. The he tells me "Oh you are difently Disney, but with a twist." ....ugh thanks I think....

So tonight I'll be filling out my forms online for Disney and paying the terrible $300 for housing.  I also shall be applying to QuiBids to try and get a 200 gift card for amazon.


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Advising Meeting Update

I had my advising meeting today. It went alright. My advisory is a bit dull and useless. He didn't know anything about the program or if I could take any classes or anything like that. But I did find out what I have to do to register for Spring2012. Just e-mail him and he'll send me my pin. We then get to the end and he asks me what my t-shirt means.

So then I begin talking about Star Trek and how my shirt came form Nimoy's shop and how I got a card that he signed with it. I was basically all smiley and geeky dork. The he tells me "Oh you are difently Disney, but with a twist." ....ugh thanks I think....

So tonight I'll be filling out my forms online for Disney and paying the terrible $300 for housing.  I also shall be applying to QuiBids to try and get a 200 gift card for amazon.

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