Monday, March 28, 2011

O.O 51 DAYS?!

gif,disney,lionking So i just realized that I will be going to D*sneyWorld in less than60 days. Thats what that awesome little counter over there is>.
I have officially entered the freak out zone. Added to the stuff I have to buy, I also have to get some stuff settled out.  Thankfully I have already registered for the roommate match. Although I'm not sure if they just match you to your arrival date or if they have questions as I've seen on a few other people's blogs.

I need to get something from my insurance showing that I am covered or my car, under my parents plan, and I have to figure out if I want to keep my Netflix plan and just transfer it to my new address once I get down there, and I have to call and see if I can change my internet plan down to the lowest usage.

And then theres classes, papers(4), finals (5), and cleaning my room&car. That last one I'm actually looking forward to compared to the rest.

EDIT: I figured I would add the documents that you have to bring with you to Disney.
These are jsut the most common ones, they have a whole list.
Passport (If you bring this, its the only thing you need since it shows you work legibility)
Driver's License +
SS card or Birth Cert. (I would suggest the card, since the Birth Cert. are kinda big and you really do not want to lose, it very hard to get a new one without it.)
License, Registration, and Insurance with your name on it.

P.S.: I added a formspring, in the off chance I get any questions. Feel free to ask anything, really anything, I'm kinda lonely bored over here.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Happy times! Today I got my purple acceptance folder in the mail!  I then went paid the $300 and some odd dollars for housing. The site is really informative so far as what you need, where to go and how to get there. This is also where you can find out what paperwork and documents you need to bring with you.

I'm having some trouble getting the on-boarding paperwork to download correctly on my Mac. Oh well that's what my old Green Thing of DOOM laptop is for.

Oh! My arrival date is May 18th! WOOT

< So anyway this is me. Next to me are my awesome ribbon of buttons, books, and waxed camel .(I love camels)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Need Money?

Okay so quick update! I have discovered an awesome site where you can bid on giftcards (THANK YOU MIKA!!!) It's pretty awesome as long as you only bid on the 25 and under ones. Those you can win with about 1-5 bids no problem. It does cost 60 to join (you pay for your first 100 bids upfront)

I was kinda stupid and bid on the 200 dollar giftcards and lost a bunch of bid up front. But once I started on the lower ones I got a total of $55! Seriously it is awesome! I still have a bunch of bids left, so I'll be bidding again in a day or so (limit 3 wins per day) So I'm going to get my investment back rather quickly (they also have a money back guarantee) YAY so happy. I'll be able to finally buy a GPS!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Advising Meeting Update

I had my advising meeting today. It went alright. My advisory is a bit dull and useless. He didn't know anything about the program or if I could take any classes or anything like that. But I did find out what I have to do to register for Spring2012. Just e-mail him and he'll send me my pin. We then get to the end and he asks me what my t-shirt means.

So then I begin talking about Star Trek and how my shirt came form Nimoy's shop and how I got a card that he signed with it. I was basically all smiley and geeky dork. The he tells me "Oh you are difently Disney, but with a twist." ....ugh thanks I think....

So tonight I'll be filling out my forms online for Disney and paying the terrible $300 for housing.  I also shall be applying to QuiBids to try and get a 200 gift card for amazon.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Packing Prep

So I think I have finalized my packing list. So far its double column on 4 pages. -.- I am holding onto the hope that the four pages are mostly my own OCD in listing everything under every category and everything that goes with it.  Since I have a bunch of stuff to buy as well as stuff I own I figured I would make two posts. One with just the list, another with suggestions for things and tips on packing.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Introduction! (Obligatory "About Me" Post)

Normally I'm pretty shy, so heres hoping that this makes me less so.
My name is Sarah, and I am a 22 year old college student. I'm going to school to be a History Teacher, but will probably add on a few more things before I'm done. I'm currently studying at EIU (they take all my money) and its not too bad. I sighed up for the Disney College program hoping for some 'real world' experience with a company that is very well respected, even if it doesn't directly relate to my major. I may decide to stay with Disney!

I took my interview on the 12th and got my acceptance e-mail on the 18th. I was so surprised! I'll be doing the Main Entrance Operations, so not too glamorous but oh well.  I have an advising meeting next week, so I'll alk to my advisor about talking a semester off, and if I would be able to take internet classes.

A little about me:
I LOVE movies. Almost any and all. The ones listed in my profile are just a few I can see (and recognize) the covers for form my shelf. I like a few cult movies, and even more geek movies. I also like a lot of weird (Labyrinth), probably not so great movies(Poolhall Junkies), BU I LOVE THEM.
I'm a huge Disney nerd. No, seriously. Trivia, movies, random facts. I LOVE IT ALL.
I geek-out over TV shows. Firefly, Supernatural, Buffy, STAR TREK, White Collar, Burn Notice, Buffy...glee...
I love books. I'll read pretty much anything, fiction, non-fiction, auto-bios, historical fiction, fantasy...I have even been known to read a semi-romance.

I'm a closet romantic, and the easiest way to my heart is say something romantically geeky.

The next few posts or so will probably be updates on the school situation, planning(I love lists and planning), and packing and organizing and trying not to freak out.

Monday, March 28, 2011

O.O 51 DAYS?!

gif,disney,lionking So i just realized that I will be going to D*sneyWorld in less than60 days. Thats what that awesome little counter over there is>.
I have officially entered the freak out zone. Added to the stuff I have to buy, I also have to get some stuff settled out.  Thankfully I have already registered for the roommate match. Although I'm not sure if they just match you to your arrival date or if they have questions as I've seen on a few other people's blogs.

I need to get something from my insurance showing that I am covered or my car, under my parents plan, and I have to figure out if I want to keep my Netflix plan and just transfer it to my new address once I get down there, and I have to call and see if I can change my internet plan down to the lowest usage.

And then theres classes, papers(4), finals (5), and cleaning my room&car. That last one I'm actually looking forward to compared to the rest.

EDIT: I figured I would add the documents that you have to bring with you to Disney.
These are jsut the most common ones, they have a whole list.
Passport (If you bring this, its the only thing you need since it shows you work legibility)
Driver's License +
SS card or Birth Cert. (I would suggest the card, since the Birth Cert. are kinda big and you really do not want to lose, it very hard to get a new one without it.)
License, Registration, and Insurance with your name on it.

P.S.: I added a formspring, in the off chance I get any questions. Feel free to ask anything, really anything, I'm kinda lonely bored over here.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Happy times! Today I got my purple acceptance folder in the mail!  I then went paid the $300 and some odd dollars for housing. The site is really informative so far as what you need, where to go and how to get there. This is also where you can find out what paperwork and documents you need to bring with you.

I'm having some trouble getting the on-boarding paperwork to download correctly on my Mac. Oh well that's what my old Green Thing of DOOM laptop is for.

Oh! My arrival date is May 18th! WOOT

< So anyway this is me. Next to me are my awesome ribbon of buttons, books, and waxed camel .(I love camels)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Need Money?

Okay so quick update! I have discovered an awesome site where you can bid on giftcards (THANK YOU MIKA!!!) It's pretty awesome as long as you only bid on the 25 and under ones. Those you can win with about 1-5 bids no problem. It does cost 60 to join (you pay for your first 100 bids upfront)

I was kinda stupid and bid on the 200 dollar giftcards and lost a bunch of bid up front. But once I started on the lower ones I got a total of $55! Seriously it is awesome! I still have a bunch of bids left, so I'll be bidding again in a day or so (limit 3 wins per day) So I'm going to get my investment back rather quickly (they also have a money back guarantee) YAY so happy. I'll be able to finally buy a GPS!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Advising Meeting Update

I had my advising meeting today. It went alright. My advisory is a bit dull and useless. He didn't know anything about the program or if I could take any classes or anything like that. But I did find out what I have to do to register for Spring2012. Just e-mail him and he'll send me my pin. We then get to the end and he asks me what my t-shirt means.

So then I begin talking about Star Trek and how my shirt came form Nimoy's shop and how I got a card that he signed with it. I was basically all smiley and geeky dork. The he tells me "Oh you are difently Disney, but with a twist." ....ugh thanks I think....

So tonight I'll be filling out my forms online for Disney and paying the terrible $300 for housing.  I also shall be applying to QuiBids to try and get a 200 gift card for amazon.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Packing Prep

So I think I have finalized my packing list. So far its double column on 4 pages. -.- I am holding onto the hope that the four pages are mostly my own OCD in listing everything under every category and everything that goes with it.  Since I have a bunch of stuff to buy as well as stuff I own I figured I would make two posts. One with just the list, another with suggestions for things and tips on packing.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Introduction! (Obligatory "About Me" Post)

Normally I'm pretty shy, so heres hoping that this makes me less so.
My name is Sarah, and I am a 22 year old college student. I'm going to school to be a History Teacher, but will probably add on a few more things before I'm done. I'm currently studying at EIU (they take all my money) and its not too bad. I sighed up for the Disney College program hoping for some 'real world' experience with a company that is very well respected, even if it doesn't directly relate to my major. I may decide to stay with Disney!

I took my interview on the 12th and got my acceptance e-mail on the 18th. I was so surprised! I'll be doing the Main Entrance Operations, so not too glamorous but oh well.  I have an advising meeting next week, so I'll alk to my advisor about talking a semester off, and if I would be able to take internet classes.

A little about me:
I LOVE movies. Almost any and all. The ones listed in my profile are just a few I can see (and recognize) the covers for form my shelf. I like a few cult movies, and even more geek movies. I also like a lot of weird (Labyrinth), probably not so great movies(Poolhall Junkies), BU I LOVE THEM.
I'm a huge Disney nerd. No, seriously. Trivia, movies, random facts. I LOVE IT ALL.
I geek-out over TV shows. Firefly, Supernatural, Buffy, STAR TREK, White Collar, Burn Notice, Buffy...glee...
I love books. I'll read pretty much anything, fiction, non-fiction, auto-bios, historical fiction, fantasy...I have even been known to read a semi-romance.

I'm a closet romantic, and the easiest way to my heart is say something romantically geeky.

The next few posts or so will probably be updates on the school situation, planning(I love lists and planning), and packing and organizing and trying not to freak out.

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